Why Did I Create The B.E.A². Hive?
It is my mission to make aging actively with strength, confidence and resilience the norm instead of a novelty!
There is no age limit to remaining active and acknowledging your inner athlete as you age!
As a 56yo post- menopausal women myself, I know fully well that Ageism is alive and well in the health and fitness industry. As a woman in midlife, you deserve to be seen as more than a commodity.
Your self-worth is not determined by your age, how you look, or the things you used to be able to do! Celebrate and own who and what you are today. Older yet wiser, more self-assured and confident, and giving less sh!ts about what other people think!
Women spend up to a third of our lives in peri- or post- menopause and you deserve to spend that time living an Active quality of life, honoring your athleticism, while feeling great in your body!
You deserve to feel confident while trying new physical challenges without being afraid of "hurting yourself", and to have a fitness program that doesn't crush you!
By combining the primary principle of Pilates with Weight Training you will be able to experience increased self- and spatial awareness, become deeply connected to your core, maintain a healthy mobile joints, build strong muscles and bones, and improve your balance and agility so that you can remain active doing things you enjoy for years to come!
What Is The B.E.A². Hive?
A new approach to fitness. This is program is lead by myself, a Physical Therapist, Strength Coach, and Pilates Instructor with over 30 years of clinical experience. I'm taking the best of everything I have learned to deliver a one of a kind program using my signature blend of Pilates, Weight Training, and Yoga so that you can stop trashing yourself with workouts that aren't designed to specifically address the needs of women in midlife and beyond!
Ageing actively doesn't mean beating yourself up trying to do the same things you did when you were 20. When you're a woman in midlife you have to train smarter not harder.
The key to successfully remaining active, trying new activities with confidence, and facing physical challenges with resilience is cultivating a solid foundation of skills:
-strong muscles and bones
These are all the basic and essential skills you need to live an active life despite changes that come with age, and I'm on a mission to making ageing actively with strength confidence and resilience the norm instead of a novelty.
The B.E.A². Hive meets for weekly live full body workouts that average 40 minutes. Classes begin with a Pilates focused warm up. While it's true Pilates is an amazing way to establish a strong core there's a lot more to it than that. One of the primary principles of Pilates is Centeredness, i.e. establishing a mind body connection.
When we start off our classes, I want you set the intention that this is "Me Time"!
Women in midlife have been conditioned to put ourselves at the bottom of the to do list. Taking time to focus on ourselves is crucial at this season in life!
It was important to me to create a program you could do anytime anywhere. We focus on the fundamentals of weight training with Progressive Overloading using dumbbells so that you won't need a gym or a lot of expensive equipment.
To set the stage for post workout recovery, we wrap up our classes with a Dynamic Yoga Inspired cool down to calm the nervous system and reduce stress and inflammation.
The classes are designed so that when you practice with the recorded playlist, you can complete the full body workout all at once or choose a section for a minnie workout to fit your schedule. Start your day with the Pilates flow, repeat the Yoga sequence to unwind before bed, or add extra sets to the weight training circuit.
Make it easy so that it works for you and you can live your most active quality of life while
*Maintaining healthy, mobile joints
*Increasing self and spatial awareness
*Building strong muscles and bones
*Managing stress to calm the nervous
system and minimize inflammation so that you can remain consistent with your workouts without feeling depleted.

What's Included?
I wanted to cover all the bases to ensure that you have every opportunity to successfully accomplish your goals. When you become a member of The B.E.A². Hive, you receive
*10 Weekly Live Full Body Workouts that incorporate Pilates, Weight Training, and Dynamic Yoga/Stretch. Movement options are provided so that you won't have to leave anything out! There is time for Q&A during and after class and you can ask for feedback at anytime. Minimal equipment required.
*Accessibility: Complete playlist of recorded live classes including all of the workouts for the duration of the program that can be accessed anytime anywhere.
*Support: Everyone receives a 1:1 Strategy call with me that you can schedule at anytime during the program. Use it to refine your goals, select the programming schedule that will work best for you, ask questions in private, or to receive help navigating any bumps in the road you encounter along the way.
*Programming: You will receive weekly programming schedules designed to fit your lifestyle and fitness goals. They include 2-3x/week workout options.
*Community & Accountability: Access to a Private Facebook group where you can declare your goals, ask questions, connect with other members, and receive access to additional information and support.
Jill, you're the best. I've been able to do all of the workouts while we travelled. I also love that you give us the whole playlist so that I can go back and do some of the earlier workouts too. I hope you will keep offering this group. I love the blend of Pilates and Weight Training.
These workouts have pushed me in a good way. It's a great combination of content. These workouts get my heart rate up and I work up a good sweat! There is a wide range of options and levels of difficulty in each workout. The blend of Pilates and Weight training is perfect, and I always finish feeling strong instead of exhausted.
I love that you offer additional tips and links in the Facebook Group. The post on recovery gave me a lot to think about. I'm taking steps to increase protein and space out my workouts. I love how Jill takes time to explain technique in a way I can understand.